Monday 1 September 2014

Day 3: Perricone 3 day programme

It's over! I'm relieved as today was a struggle with my work schedule. I didn't get myself up in time to make the breakfast - which with the egg-white-separating, omelette & porridge making and the fruit cutting takes me about half an hour, not including eating time!- so I switched the schedule around. I had the afternoon snack of quorn, hazelnuts, apple, which I could grab and go, for breakfast. I got a salmon sashimi box from Itsu for lunch, snacked on blueberries at the office, and had my egg-white omelette with veg/romaine for dinner. I'm finding the food bland and cannot stomach any more salmon. However as with yesterday evening, my skin is looking fab and radiant. I do have 2 new small blemishes but they are probably not related to the diet.

The verdict on this diet

- Relatively easy to stick to - the food is extremely filling so you don't get 'diet-hunger' despite eating healthily; I didn't manage to eat the full programme on any day
- Convenience - ingredients are easy to find, and if you get the Perricone book the shopping list makes it very convenient
- Results - I am thrilled with how smooth and glowy my skin looks. I could see the benefits after one day on the programme!

- Time consuming - because the meal plan is so prescriptive and specific, you need to take the time to prepare every meal which took me a while
- Bland - the food wasn't very tasty
- Salmon - there is tons on this diet. If you like fish, this programme will be fine for you. I don't, so I really struggled :(

I am going to leave Perricone here. The book also contains a 28 Day Wrinkle-Free Plan. Like this diet, there's plenty of fish and as I can't even look at a piece of salmon for the time being, I'm not up for it! I'm 26 and don't need to worry too much about ageing yet, so I'll revisit the plan in a few years! Based on the success of the 3 Day Programme for my skin, if you are worried about your skin I would really recommend you give Dr Perricone's advice a whirl. It really did work rapidly to improve my skin.

I will definitely use what I learnt from the book about skincare and nutrition going forward! It was a really interesting read and I highly recommend it.

Buy it here

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