Thursday 18 September 2014

Clean and Lean tummy transformer - Conclusion and Review

The six day tummy transformer was for me the five day - I had a huge work event the next day which I knew would involve lots of drinking, canapes etc - and cakes and biscuits I had specially designed and ordered.

Back at work on Day 5 I found it easy to get back into my regular routine. I had my egg white omelette and spinach for breakfast, my two quorn and cucumber snacks during the day, and tofu frankfurters and broccoli for my other meals.

In the five days I lost 5lb, which is good but not amazing; I would expect to lose that on any short-term diet where I was often getting under 1000 calories per day. However in the two days since then I have been thinking that my tummy is looking better. I think the weight did come off my waist a little; today I was wearing a belted dress that I was comfortably wearing a notch tighter than before. My results probably could have been more fabulous if I:

- stuck to the exercise programme. I admit I was a bit lazy with it.

- (this is the diet plan's fault, not mine, but) due to the lack of veggie protein options in the plan, I was using tofu and quorn meat substitutes. Although I selected healthfood brands, they still contained fat and additives and were 'processed.'

I did pick up some great habits from the plan:

- The large but low-carb, low-fat, protein filled snacks really kept me full and prevented me being tempted by other treats.

- I realised that the simplest meal of a healthy protein plus steamed green vegetables, which sounds so boring, is actually a very satisfying and often yummy lunch or dinner which can be put together in under 10 minutes. Forget grabbing Pret on the way home, ordering takeaway, or thinking only pasta would fill me up!

- I loved my calming evening drink. It helped me chill out and get ready to sleep, and with the slight sweetness of the almond milk and the cacao flavour, it satisfied my late night sweet tooth that sometimes has me scouring the cupboards for unhealthy snacks.

- Avoiding coffee and soft drinks, I got really into flavoured green teas and now drink at least one large cup a day.

My main criticism, aside from my comment as a vegetarian, is James plugging his super expensive supplements. It would cost £250 to buy what is needed on the 6 days. James' book would be improved if he eplained what the key ingredients were so people could use what is available to them and affordable (as Dr Nicholas Perricone does very well in his plan)

Overall I enjoyed trying this plan, and now my big boozy party is out the way, I'm going to try and live the Clean and Lean way.


  1. Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body,
    it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. See the link below for more info.



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