Tuesday 9 September 2014

Rosie's rule: Hydration

One of Rosie Huntington-Whitely's secrets for staying slim and having clear radiant skin is drinking lots of water. Rosie says she drinks 3-4 litres of water each day. This is a lot of water, but I find it's easy to drink 3 litres a day if you include herbal and green teas.

In the last couple of days I've been trying this. I order water multipacks to be delivered to my office, so every day I have a 1.5l bottle of Evian. I supplement this with 3 large green teas during the day, I have bought them in lots of different flavours (Twinings Mango & Lychee, Ginger green teas are lovely, and I'm also really enjoying the strangest one yet, Salted Caramel) as I'm not keen on the flavour of ordinary green tea. I always find a good selection in my local Waitrose! Then I drink a couple of glasses of water at home with dinner. I always try to make that the last thing I do before I go to sleep, and first thing I do when I wake up, is drink a large glass of water.

This is because sleep is very dehydrating for the body. According to James Duigan, in the Clean and Lean flat tummy book, when the body is dehydrated it is in a stressful state. This stressful state encourages production of the hormone cortisol whch makes our body hang onto fat.

It's also now widely known that what feels like hunger is often just thirst and drinking plenty of water can help reduce snacking. In addition, when you are drinking water this often, your tummy tends to feel full all the time. Drinking a hot drink like a herbal tea is particularly filling.

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