Sunday 14 September 2014

Day 4: Clean and Lean 6 Day Tummy Transformer

OK, this is starting to become a chore. I'm kind of bored of how repetitive the diet is. I'm definitely finding it's easier to do diets during the week, when the structure/activities of work make it easier to remember when to eat - and when to stop - and you are generally not in social situations where you feel obliged to eat or drink. That's kind of a revelation, because I had always blamed work for making me unhealthy with birthday treats being brought in, and muffins and cakes on sale in our canteen.

One thing that I love is my own version of the evening drink which I've been making with almond milk. The maca powder definitely seems to have a soothing effect and the cacao gives it a chocolate taste (the almond milk is slightly sweet). I will definitely keep making this instead of giving in to late evening chocolate cravings.

Today it's that time of the month and I feel a bit lethargic and blah. I decided to go to bed at 7pm, skip dinner and watch a film, during which I had 2 mugs of my bedtime drink. I added hemp protein and chlorella to make up for the meal I was missing!

So my food diary looks like this:

9.30am: hot water + lemon; psyllium husks; 3 egg white omelette
11am: peppermint tea and a small cupcake - made and given to me by a child, I couldn't say no!
11.30am: soy filter coffee from Starbucks
3pm: Taifun tofu fillet and a large portion of steamed green beans
7pm: psyllium husks; 2 x mugs of almond milk, maca, cacao, hemp protein and chlorella; omega 3 supplement and l-glutamine

Looking back on this I really haven't eaten enough green veg today, I'll make sure I get extra tomorrow. I'm desperate to weigh myself but think period-bloat might make the result unreliable!

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