Thursday 11 September 2014

Day 1: James Duigan Clean and Lean 6 Day Tummy Transformer

First day over! I feel great considering my calorie intake was super-low (971 - I use myfitnesspal to track).

I ate the following... (note my veggie substitutions for chicken/baked white fish)

7am: hot water and lemon
7.15: 2 egg white omelette with spinach.
10.30: half pack of Quorn roast chicken style slices and 1/4 cucumber; green tea
1.15pm: lentil salad (no oil)
4.15: rest of the Quorn roast chicken style slices and 1/4 cucumber; green tea
7.15: a vegetarian bratwurst, baked, with steamed spinach and asparagus

I then went for a 25 minute cardio intervals session (brisk walk 3 mins, jog for 2 mins, sprint for one - repeat x 4) and when I got back went through my circuit.

at 10pm I made my own version of the Clean and Lean Serenity powder with:
heaped teaspoon of maca
heaped teaspoon of cacao
heaped teaspoon of psyllium husks
small cup of cooled camomile tea
small cup of almond milk

I took an L-glutamine pill at the same time.

I didn't feel hungry at all today, I feel great. I am sure I will get really bored of this plan as it's very repetitive and it's easy to feel enthused on the first day. The plan is clever because having, for example, a very large portion of cucumber twice a day keeps you full with hardly any calories. I like the prescriptiveness of the plan in that regard because I would never just take a huge hunk of cucumber to work otherwise! I also particularly liked the relaxing drink at the end of the day (my own recipe - ha!), the combination of cacao and maca, as well as the camomile tea, is very calming - which is much needed in my life at the moment - and I am now struggling to keep my eyes open. Good night :)

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