Saturday 13 September 2014

Day 3: Clean and Lean 6 Day Tummy Transformer

It's technically day 4 because it's 2.17am. I've just got back from a friend's birthday night out and...I CHEATED. I couldn't note drink on her birthday. I had 4 drinks, 3 of which were vodka, sparkling water and fresh lime (very good as far as alcoholic beverages go), the last was bought for me and it was a mojito - sugar!! I feel ashamed! Luckily I think I danced it off...

Even with the drinks added, my calories only came to 1,103. Like the weekend on the Perricone programme, I found the lack of structure in my schedule meant I didn't have time to eat all the foods! I skipped a snack. So my day went something like this...

9.30am: hot water + lemon, psyllium husks
10am: 2 egg white/1 whole egg (I broke the yolk...) omelette and spinach
1pm: filter coffee with a drop of soy milk (it's naughty but James allows one coffee a day in his book)
3pm: 1 Taifun frankfurter and steamed tenderstem broccoli (and omega 3 supplement)
5pm: half pack of 'roast chicken' Quorn slices + 1/4 cucumber
8pm: 1 Taifun tofu fillet and steamed green beans
9-1am: naughty drinks :/
2am: psyllium husks & large glass of water; warm almond milk + maca powder + cacao powder + l-glutamine

I'm finding the meal plan of protein + steamed greens really satisfying which is a surprise. In future I will try to eat more of these simple, low fat and low carb meals. They take under 10 minutes to make so they're super easy.

I feel like today was a bit of a fail as drinking coffee and alcohol isn't very clean, but overall I stuck to the guidelines /principles of the Clean and Lean plan (ok, except the mojito) and my calories are still lower than my RDA!

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