Saturday 21 March 2015

100 days to FIT

It's the first post of 2015 on my blog (is it really the end of March already?) and I'm ready for a new challenge! It was the Spring equinox yesterday which means I am out of hibernation and starting to think about summer holidays... the best time to start a health kick!

This glittery little thing just arrived in the post and I'm visualising myself - minus 20lbs - in it, drinking a daiquiri in a beach bar somewhere:

100 days starting tomorrow (31st March) takes me to 1st July which is the perfect timescale for a fitness overhaul. I'm excited to see what can be achieved in 100 days.

I have some new ideas to try in the period - of course. I'll do separate posts on them and track their effectiveness. One is Dr Marilyn Glenville's advice from her book Fat Around The Middle (I'm an apple shape so my tummy and back are my main problem areas - and coconut oil which I have just begun taking to help my metabolism.

So I'm currently sipping a glass of sparkling rose and planning ahead for when the clock starts 12, 100 days will be started and I'll do some photos, measurements, and - God help me - a weigh in. I might cry.

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