Sunday 29 March 2015

Day 8 of my food diary

I have to admit, I'm not taking this seriously enough. I havent been able to exercise properly recently because of ongoing problems with my legs - I have really tight calves which have caused some tendon iritaton and generally make moving around uncomfortable. I'm checking in with my PT to see him this week and will crack on with eating healthily. Today was a bit of a disaster!

Breakfast: Cappuccino and a toffee/banana muffin

Lunch: Spelt toast & avocado, an instant noodle soup from Itsu with added organic mixed frozen eg

Dinner - kind of spread through the afternoon and evening: (I'm almost ashamed to type) an entire packet of chocolate digestives and a cup of tea! I'm blushing right now. BAD GIRL!

I'm nearly 10 days in to this shebang and need to star making a REAL EFFORT!

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