Tuesday 2 September 2014

Celebrity diet and fitness tip of the day: Michelle Keegan - abs workout

Michelle Keegan is a UK celeb - one of those people who seem to appear from nowhere and pop up all over all the trashy women's magazines, lad's magazines and Femail. Her fame is definitely helped by the fact that she has a great body - particularly her super-toned midsection.

So I'm glad that my Michelle Keegan fitness tip is all about the abs! Alongside her regular gym routine of moderate impact cardio, Michelle uses this 8 Minute Abs video on Youtube. By the looks of it, it's a real 90s classic!

I will definitely be using this video in future!

This fitness tip comes from an interview in this week's Now Magazine, which also reveals Michelle's  typical daily diet:

Breakfast: omelette made with two eggs
Mid-morning: toast with cream cheese
Lunch: salmon and green salad
Dinner: chicken salad

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